



Jiangyin Shine Science and Technology Co.,Ltd is located in Wuxi city in Jiangsu Province, which is a professional manufacturer and seller for solar panels in China. We strictly follow the ISO9001:2008 quality management system during production. Our products cover from 5watt to 310watt both for monocrystalline and polycrystlline with CE, TUV(IEC61215&IEC61730) and ISO9001 certified, the power range in TUV has extended to 310W. Also our panels have got third party liability insurance.   Since established in 2007, Shine Solar regards “Quality, Brand and Honesty” as its philosophy. Shine Solar develops rapidly and always focuses on the development of high quality products. At present, Shine Solar is enlarging its production, making efforts to ensure its global leadership in this field. The products of Shine Solar are sold abroad in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America South Africa and other areas, relaying on excellent quality and best services. Under the support of many customers, Shine Solar will certainly be your best cooperation fellow. Shine Solar warmly welcomes the old and new customers both at home and abroad to establish business relationship with us! It is our earnest desire to serve our society and the environment with the solar energy products.


Top 5 Reasons to Order From Us:1)  We offer you the best quality on the market! SHINE belongs to Shuangyou Group which has a history more than 30 years, so we have years of experience and a long line of great products behind us. 2)  We offer you the best prices ! We know the cost of solar products is steadily rising so that’s why here at SHINE we not only offer you the best prices but we strive everyday in order to cut down our production cost to give you an even better deal than what we already have. 3)  We offer the fastest shipping ! Here at SHINE we know that a one day delay means you have to place your production on hold so that’s why we have over 500 employees placing your order together and getting it ready for shipment. As they say “Time is Money”! 4)  We have the best customer service team! We know how frustrating it can be for you to call or email a company and get redirected to someone with bad english answering you so we make sure to individually train all of our employees to use proper English giving you a better ordering experience from us. Communication in international business is the biggest factor to maintain a good and successful relationship with our customers.  We have a huge selection of products! We offer all of the outputs that you could imagine so you have the wattage that you need and don’t need to go from factory to factory looking for what suits you.

公司名稱: 江陰晟翔科技有限公司 公司類型: 民營企業 ()
所 在 地: 江蘇/無錫市 公司規模:
注冊資本: 未填寫 注冊年份: 2007
保 證 金: 已繳納 0.00
經營范圍: 光伏組件、戶用光伏屋頂、商用光伏屋頂、大型光伏項目
光伏 / 光伏電池組件
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