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美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城:Pacific Blue公司和Siliken公司要建立個15.3兆瓦的項目

   2010-06-28 ne2121世紀新能源13050

Pacific Blue 能源公司,將會與Siliken可再生能源公司建立“陽光太陽能農場”。 與此同時,兩家公司向本地公用事業進行投標,要在亞利桑那州Flagstaff附近154.3英畝的土地上開發一個能夠產15兆瓦電能的陽光農場。
“Siliken一直想要擴大其在美國的影響力。并且已經把PBEC作為開發項目的最佳合伙人,”PBEC的CEO Joel Franklin 說。“Siliken加入我們的發展團隊來一起開發太陽能陽光農場,我們太高興了。”

陽光太陽能能農場位于Flagstaff 30英里以東的科科尼諾縣,該站點可以提供20兆瓦的太陽能產能-是使用一個固定的傾斜或單軸跟蹤系統,兩者都由Siliken開發。
陽光太陽能農場海拔5300英尺,土地得益于涼爽的,高溫沙漠氣溫,可提高太陽能電池板的光電效率。  土壤測試表明,土地是能夠很好的為太陽能電池板料架系統提供基礎-用最少的花費 。 對于每5兆瓦的太陽能的產出,將會由機架上25000個太陽能光伏板提供。

Pacific Blue Energy Corp. will be partnering with Siliken Renewable Energy to build the "Sunshine Solar Farm". Together, the companies will submit a bid to a local utility to develop a 15 MW solar farm on 154.3 acres near Flagstaff, Arizona.                                                        

"Siliken has been looking to expand its presence in the U.S. and has identified PBEC as the perfect partner to make this happen," says PBEC CEO Joel Franklin. "We are thrilled to have Siliken join our development team to fulfill our vision for the Sunshine Solar Farm."

The Sunshine Solar Farm is located 30 miles east of Flagstaff in Coconino County. The site can support as much as 20 megawatts of solar electricity generation - using either a fixed tilt or a single axis tracking system, both of which have been developed by Siliken.

At an elevation of 5300 feet, the Sunshine Solar Farm land benefits from cooler, high desert temperatures that can increase the photovoltaic efficiencies of solar panels. Soil tests show that the land is well suited to support the foundations for a solar panel racking system - with minimal costs. For every 5 MW, a solar farm requires roughly 25,000 photovoltaic panels on racks.

"As one of the preferred companies in the PV industry, Siliken is making a strategic effort to diversify our activities and further commit to new sources of renewable energy, including solar power," says Kevin Davies, Director of Operations of Siliken Renewable Energy, Inc. "Partnering with companies like PBEC helps us to meet our goals to expand in the United States and it opens the door for us to develop more PV solar projects in the Southwest."

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