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   2010-06-29 ne2121世紀新能源13310

Solarbuzz發布了最新調查結果,今年9個國家的產能都將要超過250MW。 德國引領全球太陽能市場,而意大利,捷克共和國和法國他們在太陽能增產方面也達成了一個里程碑。
“在各主要地區市場的光伏需求都由經濟的不確定性,復雜的,經常變化的政府政策所影響” Solarbuzz主席,Craig Stevens 說。 “盡管政治和經濟困境,光伏電源幾乎無法滿足需求。 外加歐洲疲弱的經濟背景,但政府適度對光伏的風險性激勵政策將會加強企業在銷售和營銷活動的靈活性,以應付市場結構的變化。”

雖然世界經濟不是完全一片大好,但在意大利,捷克共和國和法國等這些有潛力增長產能的國家,預計在2010年會產出3GW左右的產能。 此外,這些國家,是繼美國和日本,最有潛力成為有史以來的第三個在一年內安裝1GW光伏的國家。

中國和印度增加了近100個計劃安裝增加至18.6GW裝置在中國和另外印度的管道供應增長4.8GW。 日本模塊廠商正在繼續其國內市場發展的同時,也在日益增強銷售渠道,如山田電機和東芝公司。

Solarbuzz released their recent findings that nine countries, up from six last year, are on the path to exceeding 250MW this year. Germany leads the global solar market, while Italy, Czech Republic and France harbour the promise of reaching the milestone with their solar growth.

“PV demand growth in each major market region is being shaped by economic uncertainty, complex and frequently changing government policies,” noted Craig Stevens, President of Solarbuzz. “Despite political and economic woes, PV supply is barely able to keep up with demand. Set against the weak European economic environment, the risk of future moderation of PV incentive policy around Europe will necessitate flexibility in corporate sales and marketing initiatives to handle changes in market mix.”

Although the world’s economies are in less than perfect order, the potential for growth in countries such as Italy, Czech Republic and France is estimated to be around 3GW in 2010. In addition, these countries, along with the US and Japan, have the potential to become the third country to ever install 1GW of PV in one year.

China and India add to the significant growth for the PV market with almost 100 planned installations in China adding up to 18.6GW and an Indian pipeline supplying an added 4.8GW. Japanese module manufacturers are continuing the development of their domestic market while distribution channels are growing as well with companies like Yamada Denki and Toshiba.

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