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項目重點:S.A.G Solarstrom結束了位于Stribro的13.6MWp項目的投資

   2010-06-29 ne2121世紀新能源12680

S.A.G. Solarstrom結束了其與Bayern LB and及the LBBW合作的位于位于捷克共和國Stribro的13.6MW長期融資項目。2010年6月30日該公司將支付貸款金額3040萬歐元。 該項目的銷售談判,超過6000萬歐元,也接近完成總投資額。

這次項目安裝位于一個比爾森區的前軍事基地所在地Stribro,這是目前為止捷克安裝的最大的地面安裝光伏項目。Bayern LB 和 LBBW正在平均等額對該項目進行融資,兩家均為大約投資6億4240萬的捷克克朗(約2500萬歐元)。長期貸款將會償還為過渡性貸款共計7億9千萬的捷克克朗(大約為30.4萬歐元)并且由三個部門批準。

S.A.G. Solarstrom has concluded the long-term financing of its 13.6MWp project located in Stribro, Czech Republic, with the Bayern LB and the LBBW via the project company Solar Stribro. The company will pay the loan on June 30, 2010 in the amount of ?0.4 million. The sales negotiations for the project, with a total investment volume of over ?0 million, are also nearing completion.

The installation, located at a former military base in Stribro in the district of Pilsen, is the largest completed ground-mounted photovoltaic project in the Czech Republic to date. Bayern LB and the LBBW are financing it in equal shares with 642.4 million Czech crowns each (amounts to approximately ?5 million). The long-term loan will repay the bridging loan totalling 790 million Czech crowns (around ?0.4 million) and granted in three portions.

"The bridging loan, arranged by youmex, Frankfurt, and the long-term financing that has now been concluded by S.A.G. have now provided us with the time leeway we need to sell this valuable project at an appropriate price, without finding ourselves under pressure to sell", said Dr. Karl Kuhlmann, CEO of S.A.G. Solarstrom.

"The conclusion of a financing transaction of this magnitude very clearly underscores the trust of the banks in the high quality of the project and in the reliability of S.A.G. Solarstrom. We have thus demonstrated that we are capable of obtaining outside capital, even in the face of difficult market conditions", continues Kuhlmann. "We will use the funds that will be freed up after the project has been sold for the preliminary financing of other major
projects in Germany and Italy, in order to implement our growth in 2010 as planned."

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