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Article Submission for PVTIME's Special Intersolar Europe Issue Now Open

   2019-12-31 PVTIME64730
核心提示:Intersolar Europe, the worlds leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners, will take place as scheduled i

Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners, will take place as scheduled in Munich, Germany from June 17-19 of 2020.

This year, PVTIME Magazine will be distributing its Special Intersolar Europe Issue to help you accelerate business growth during the exhibition, establish professional connections, promote the retention of professional information, showcase the strengths of your enterprise’s brands, and display your outstanding products and technologies.

Intersolar is by far the world’s largest and most influential solar professional exhibition, bringing together all the of industry’s renowned companies from around the world. With more than two decades of proven expertise in organizing international exhibitions and conferences, Intersolar has seen success in the world’s most influential markets. Since 2014, the Electrical Energy Storage Exhibition (ees) has been held annually in parallel with Intersolar Europe, focusing on the products and solutions for energy storage technologies and energy storages systems, grid infrastructure, and solutions for the integration of renewable energy.

With its proven track record, Intersolar has successfully accumulated a large number of returning and continues to attract professionals and exhibitors with varying industry backgrounds and experiences, and is able to provide exhibitors and attendees with a stable and boundless business exchange platform. During the exhibition, you can establish connections with potential customers and market distributors in efforts to achieve sales goals, launch new products, and expand your business footprint.

The annual Intersolar Europe exhibition, held at the Messe München exhibition center in Munich, Germany, is organized by Solar Promotion GmbH and can be a crucial platform for companies hoping to enter the German market. Last year, Intersolar Europe attracted 1,450 exhibitors, occupied an exhibition area of 106,000 square meters, and saw more than 50,000 professionals and enthusiasts in attendance.

Print Volume: 10,000 copies (including electronic distribution).

Release Date: June 17, 2020.

Deadline for Article Submission: April 20, 2020.

Special Issue Page Count: 100-120 pages.

Dimensions: W210 x H285 (mm), bleed 3mm.

Language: English

Format: Free publication. To be distributed at Intersolar Europe’s exhibition areas, event sites, and hotels surrounding the exhibition center.

Content Topics: Analysis of efficient technical routes, current global market conditions, application of energy storage systems in the field of photovoltaics, pilot project showcases, etc.

Content Composition: cover report, special reports, expert analysis, manufacturer interviews, product showcases.

Please submit articles via email to Benjamin Zhang at Bzhang@ne21.com

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