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   2010-07-21 ne21solarcreator15380

總部位于加拿大的能源公司Etrion公司承諾,將由Phoenix太陽能公司作為承包商為其位于意大利Borgo Piave的3.5MW地面光伏電廠進行交鑰匙工程建設。該合同價值約為1000萬歐元。
Phoenix 公司負責該電廠的設計計劃及施工建筑。當電廠委托生效后,該公司還將向Etrion公司提供生產和維護服務。該電廠所采用的主要組件和逆變器分別有天合公司和SMA公司提供。

Phoenix Solar AG has been commissioned by Canada-based energy company Etrion Corporation as general contractor for the turnkey construction of a 3.5-megawatt (MW) ground-mounted photovoltaic plant in Borgo Piave, Italy. The contract value is approximately ?0 million.

Etrion Corporation is an energy company based in Canada. Image: Etrion Corporation.
Construction work has been scheduled to start this August, says the company, to enable the plant to be connected to the grid by the end of the year. The plant will generate and supply approximately five million kilowatt hours per year of electricity to the grid.
Phoenix Solar is responsible for the planning and construction of the solar power plant. After the plant has been commissioned, it will also provide Etrion with operation and maintenance services. Trina Solar crystalline solar modules and SMA inverters will be used for the plant.
Marco Northland, chief executive officer of Etrion, commented: “We are pleased to partner with Phoenix Solar on this project and look forward to expanding our relationship in the near future. The 3.5 MW solar plant in Borgo Piave is part of our internal development portfolio and demonstrates our Italian team’s execution capability converting business development pipeline into installed megawatts

標簽: 光伏,科研
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