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Solar Energy Initiatives推出新網(wǎng)站

   2010-08-09 Solar Be 翻譯David Fann13890

    Solar Energy Initiatives公司(SNRY)是一家致力于太陽能項目開發(fā)、分銷和勞動力培訓的公司,近日該公司推出了其新企業(yè)網(wǎng)站及社會媒體網(wǎng)站 www.solarenergy - us.com

    Solar Energy Initiatives 首席執(zhí)行官Mr. David Fann表示:“推出新網(wǎng)站www.solarenergy - us.com是本公司多階段品牌知名度推廣策略的最后一步,Solar Energy Initiatives公司及其運營線代表了完整的太陽能供應鏈及解決方案。我們的新域名可幫助我們將這個信息傳達給我們的客戶、投資者和太陽能行業(yè)的任何經(jīng)銷商。我們相信我們的行動將有助于我們簡化銷售、獲得新的經(jīng)銷商并改善整體盈利。“

   Solar Energy Initiatives可有效連接制造商、制造商和能源消費者。該公司致力于通過提高認識、提供培訓,推進太陽能經(jīng)濟,供應鏈服務和直接的資本項目。 SNRY以市場需求為導向,運營和管理的大型太陽能項目,創(chuàng)造就業(yè)機會和并各種商業(yè)和政府提供新能源電力。管理層相信新網(wǎng)站可更好的表明公司的這一特色。

    PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL - Solar Energy Initiatives, Inc. (SNRY), with businesses in solar project development, distribution and workforce training, today announced the launch of their new corporate website and social media presence at www.solarenergy-us.com

    "The launch of the new www.solarenergy-us.com web site is the final step in the Company’s multi-phase brand recognition strategy," said Mr. David Fann, CEO. "Solar Energy Initiatives and its operating lines represent a complete solution for the entire solar supply chain.  Our new domain name helps us to convey this message to our clients, investors, and any potential solar dealers.  We believe segmenting our operations will allow us to streamline sales, acquire new dealers, and improve overall earnings.”

    Solar Energy Initiatives connects manufacturers, builders, and energy consumers.  The Company is dedicated to advancing the solar economy through awareness, training, supply chain services and direct capital projects.  SNRY executes and manages large-scale solar projects driving demand, creating jobs and generating energy for a variety of commercial and government interests. Management believes these segments are more clearly defined via the new website.

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