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   2021-02-08 CDCC王巍10030
核心提示:里奇米勒 - 2021年1月20日 發(fā)表評(píng)論By Rich Miller - January 20, 2021 Leave aComment2020年,應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化需采取迫切的行動(dòng),
里奇·米勒 - 2021年1月20日 發(fā)表評(píng)論

By Rich Miller - January 20, 2021 Leave aComment


The urgent need for climate action is writlarge in the headlines of 2020. Devastating wildfires have ravaged California,Oregon and Colorado, while a historic series of powerful hurricanes slammed theGulf Coast. These disasters have been a tipping point in public awareness,driving home the fact that a changed climate is not a future threat, but acurrent reality. This launches the Data Center Frontier Special Report seriesexploring green data centers and the sustainability push in the colocationindustry.


The data center industry has been a forcefor positive change on climate action over the past decade, with cloudcomputing platforms pioneering advances in sustainable operations and corporateadoption of renewable energy. This impact will be amplified in coming years asmore businesses abandon carbon-heavy on-premises data centers and migrate togreener infrastructure operated by cloud platforms and colocation facilities.


In this special report, we will examine therole of green data centers as a catalyst for action on climate change, specificstrategies that are reducing carbon impact, and the best ways to embrace thesustainability imperative going forward.


The massive energy footprint of cloudcomputing enables the data center industry to drive a global shift torenewably-powered business. This opportunity is magnified by a digitaltransformation that is shifting much of our lives to online platforms —a trendthat has been dramatically accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the needfor remote work, contactless commerce and automation as tools to reduce viralexposure.


The migration to cloud platforms hasslashed the carbon footprint of many IT departments. But it is time for the datacenter users and operators to raise their game, not just because sustainabilityis good policy, but because it is good business.


Customers and stakeholders are demandingaccountability on climate impact, pushing sustainability near the top of the agendain selecting sites and providers.


The data center industry is in a uniqueposition to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices and reduce thedamage to our changing climate.


Wind power and other sustainale energysources are growing in strategic importance for data centers. (Photo by RawFilmon Unsplash


The focus on sustainability has intensifiedin recent years with large cloud platforms making aggressive commitments toclimate action. In January Microsoft said it will become “carbon negative” by2030, and implement new procurement procedures in July 2021 to incentivizesuppliers to reduce their carbon emissions.


Meanwhile, Amazon Web Services hascommitted to use 100% renewable energy by 2025, ahead of the 2030 timeline forAmazon’s broader operations. That goal cannot be met without a majoracceleration of renewable energy purchases to support Amazon Web Services.


These announcements have huge implicationsfor the data center industry. As the largest cloud builders deepen theircommitments to green energy, the entire data center supply chain must embracesustainability in new ways. Hyperscale customers have driven much of the growthfor data center providers with a global footprint, leasing hundreds ofmegawatts of space on an annual basis.

超大型企業(yè)是推動(dòng)綠色數(shù)據(jù)中心發(fā)展的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,但他們并不孤單。治理與問(wèn)責(zé)研究所指出,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500指數(shù)(S&P 500 Index)中有86%的公司在2018年發(fā)布了可持續(xù)發(fā)展報(bào)告,高于2011年的20%。

The hyperscale players are leaders in thedrive for greener data centers, but they are not alone. Eighty six percent ofthe companies in the S&P 500 Index published a sustainability report in2018, up from only 20% in 2011, notes the Governance and AccountabilityInstitute.

451 Research的最新調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),近三分之一的多租戶數(shù)據(jù)中心(MTDC)代表表示,他們的所有客戶都希望對(duì)效率和可持續(xù)性做出具有合同約束力的承諾;而另外44%的代表則表示這是大多數(shù)客戶的訴求,并不是全部。

A recent survey from 451 Research foundthat almost a third of multi-tenant data center (MTDC) representatives said alltheir customers want contractually binding commitments to efficiency andsustainability, while another 44% said it is true for most of their customers.


“Major enterprises and IT service providers(particularly larger cloud firms) typically have stringent infrastructureefficiency demands because it filters through to their own respectivesustainability reports,” 451 said. “Simply put: they cannot afford to use MTDCproviders that do not prioritize high efficiency and sustainability standards.”



There have been two major phases of greeninnovation in the data center industry.


In the first phase, from roughly 2007-2014,the largest data center operators dramatically improved the efficiency of theirIT equipment and data center facilities. For companies like Google, Facebookand Amazon Web Services, this meant innovating in every aspect of operations,from the chips powering servers to the power infrastructure and coolingsystems. This relentless focus on efficiency yielded huge savings inelectricity, slashing the carbon impact of these Internet businesses. Theefficiency efforts brought a greener bottom line as well as greener datacenters.


By imposing sustainable practices upon thesupply chain for digital business, the data center industry will be an evenmore potent force for climate action.


In the second phase of the industry’ssustainability journey, large data center operators have focused on procuringrenewable energy to power their operations instead of electricity sources basedon coal. Google’s use of power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energyhas been adopted by other cloud providers and data center REITs. As a result,leading technology companies are now the largest users of renewable energy, andthe most active buyers in energy markets for solar and wind power generation.


Renewable purchasing was initiallyconcentrated at hyperscale players, but multi-tenant data center serviceproviders have recently begun working with nonprofits to develop best practicesfor allowing colocation customers to claim pass-through credits for therenewable energy arranged by their data center provider.


This has laid the groundwork for the nextphase of the data center industry’s green journey—a wholesale shift of theentire supply chain, as the largest players require their suppliers to documenttheir procurement processes and vet them through a sustainability lens.

通過(guò)在數(shù)字業(yè)務(wù)的供應(yīng)鏈上施加可持續(xù)發(fā)展的實(shí)踐,數(shù)據(jù)中心行業(yè)將成為采取氣候行動(dòng)的更強(qiáng)大力量。為了實(shí)現(xiàn)其最大的影響,該行業(yè)需要贏得企業(yè)客戶的信任,否則這些客戶會(huì)繼續(xù)將 IT 運(yùn)營(yíng)托管在包括許多含大量碳足跡舊設(shè)施的本地?cái)?shù)據(jù)中心。

By imposing sustainable practices upon thesupply chain for digital business, the data center industry will be an evenmore potent force for climate action. To realize its greatest impact, theindustry will need to win the confidence of enterprise customers that continueto house IT operations in on-premises data centers, including many olderfacilities with an outsized carbon footprint.


Data centers have dramatically improvedtheir energy efficiency, resulting in a small increase in industry electricityuse during a period of explosive growth for cloud computing and onlineservices.


As enterprise IT users redouble their focuson sustainability, they will be seeking data center service providers who canserve as partners as they slash carbon impact, deliver on corporate climatecommitments, and build a greener planet.


Follow this report series over the comingweeks as explore topics like water conservation and management, eliminatingdiesel generators, heat recycling and more, as well as share a conversationwith leading voices on the future of sustainable data centers. 
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