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   2009-05-08 ne21.com21世紀新能源24570


We are honoured to invite you to attend the Chengdu New Energy Int’l Forum & Solar Energy Fair 2009 to be held at Chengdu Century City New Int’l Convention & Exposition Centre, China, between Sep 3 and 5, 2009. This forum centres the opportunities and challenges of the solar energy industry.


Against the backdrop of the deteriorating global financial crisis and sluggish industrial development and capital market, the American President Obama took the lead in bailing out the American economy by injecting hundreds of billions of dollars in new energy. The Japanese Prime Minster Taro Aso put development of new energy and application of solar energy top on agenda amongst three measures in response to the crises. The Chinese government rolled out the implementation of the solar roof system and the subsidy policies, symbolising the genuine launch of the application of solar energy on the Chinese market. It’s profoundly believed that these measures are destined to expand the application of solar energy on the global market, trigger new market needs, and push ahead the development of the industry in a healthy and fast fashion.


In comparison with the developed areas abroad, China’s solar energy industry just begins but with ample potential. In the realms of solar products manufacturing and R&D, China witnesses a radical development. China will pour trillions of yuan into expanding the market in 10 years to come, by then China is bound to be a focal point of the industry and a hot land of investment on the planet. 


China’s Sichuan, claiming 70%-strong of total outputs of polycrystalline silicon at home, is planning to build a cluster of solar power stations in Aba Prefecture, Liangshan Prefecture, and Ganzi Prefecture etc abundant in sunlight, with a total investment of tens of billions of yuan. “Shining on the world, and focusing on Shuangliu”, the Southwest Airport Economic Development Zone of Shuangliu, known as an industrial base of new energy at the provincial level, embraced the unprecedented opportunity and tries its utmost to fold itself to be a national-level solar energy industry manufacturing and R&D base. This event will once again lure the industries from all over the world to Shuangliu and, under current circumstances, give insights into the breathtaking optics such as policy, market, technology, and financing etc. On the sidelines of the event will be kicked off the solar energy fair featuring a grandiose size, eye-catching on-site demonstration, and exciting interactions to showcase the up-to-minute accomplishments in this regard. It’s deeply believed that the event will serve as a platform of exchange amid the industries and a chance for the manufacturers to j

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