三菱電機公司(Mitsubishi electric corporation)在24日宣布已經完成東洋水產株式會社(Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.)的位于日本群馬縣管林市(Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture)的關東工廠的62千瓦太陽能光電系統安裝工作。這次安裝工作是東洋水產株式會社(Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.)在管林市第一個,也是最大一個太陽能光電系統業務。
在460平方千米的平原上安裝330 個太陽能光電模塊來發電。電廠主要服務于東洋水產株式會社最大的方便面工廠。這套系統將產生近60萬兆瓦時的電量,并且能減少18.9噸的二氧化碳的排放。
為了減少二氧化碳的排放,東洋水產株式會社(Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.)決定在關東工廠安裝一個62千瓦的系統。新能源促進委員會負責部分投資。
Mitsubishi Electric PV System Powers Toyo Suisan's First Solar Installation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today that it has completed installation of a 62 kilowatt (kW) photovoltaic (PV) system at Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.'s Kanto Factory in Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. The installation, which is Toyo Suisan's first, has also become the largest PV system at a business operation in Tatebayashi City.
The electricity generated by a total of 330 PV modules installed on a surface area of 460 square meters will cover part of the electricity consumption used for air conditioning and lighting at the Toyo Suisan Group's largest instant noodle processing factory in Japan. Annually, the system is expected to generate approximately 60 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity and reduce 18.9 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
To further reduce carbon dioxide emissions, Toyo Suisan decided to install a 62kW system at its Kanto Factory, partly funded by subsidies from the New Energy Promotion Council in Japan.