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   2010-04-02 BISOL21世紀新能源13500



BISOL is one of the world’s top PV modules producers according to PHOTON Yield Measurement

PREBOLD, 31st of March 2010 ? PHOTON’s Yield Measurement Test proved the excellent quality of BISOL PV modules. 31 modules of worldwide known producers were tested and monthly results show that BISOL product is second best among crystalline silicon modules.

PHOTON Laboratory performs measurements in Germany. Three units of the same module type were submitted to the test for which PHOTON has developed its own electronics to perform fully automated measurements. Modules are installed in Germany facing south at a 28° angle and are mounted 2.5 m above the ground, allowing the test system to operate under real-life conditions. The measured electricity produced by the modules is normalized according to their power under standard test condition. So called energy yield, determining how many kWh per kW of installed power runs from the PV system to the inverter, is a decisive factor for all PV plant performance. For the reason of highly advanced product design, electrical specifications, and premium product quality, BISOL PV modules exhibit extremely high energy yield recorded at low as well as high irradiation areas. PV plants comprising BISOL PV modules exhibit highest recorded performance ratio, as confirmed by many of satisfied BISOL customers worldwide.

標簽: solar
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